Why is it that when it’s subjected to time, what we call love doesn’t look like it anymore. The answer is simple, what we call love is not love. Love does not fade off when subjected to time. it’s even meant to be more stronger when subjected to test of time.
We can’t understand love better than the One called Love, so let’s check from the manufacturers manual what Love is. The Bible says God is love. So Love is God personified. If you want to understand Love, you need to understand God.
Gleaning from 1 Cor 13, the first dimension of love which we will be emphasizing in this series is that ‘ Love suffers long ‘. Love does not suffer and then give up. Love suffers as long as the suffering last. Because suffering is a phase, it is not a life time cycle, but the devil has painted a picture to us that suffering is a forever thing. The devil makes us to understand that the pain in suffering will only keep increasing and if we don’t give up that is how we will end up. But dear, that’s a lie. No phase is permanent. It has not come to stay, it has only come to pass. Once the phase is over, it fades out.
As far as Love is concerned it stays in that suffering phase, endures the pain until the phase is over. Jesus suffered for us all on the cross, he endured the cross, despising the shame because there is a glory ahead. In the book of Hebrews 11:35b the bible says “others were tortured, not accepting deliverance: that they might obtain a better resurrection”
There is something glorious awaiting you after suffering. So, don’t give up when suffering comes. Don’t back out, it’s not a sign of Love. The Bible says we should not only love in words but also in deeds.
If you love for a course you don’t withdraw because of suffering. That is why it’s very Important that your love for anything is instigated and propelled by God. Don’t just fall in love because of money, gift, beauty, gain or power. Let the basis of your love be founded in God, so that in time of suffering, when the love is tested, you can draw strength from the root of your love which is sourced in God.
Finally I want you to exchange the word Love with your name and read that passage of the scripture again “Victoria suffers long “. How do you feel? Does that really defines you? Is that really true about you? If you can’t really give a straight answer, then bow down your head and talk to God to help you love as He loves. Grant you grace to suffer long on issues compelled by him.
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