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WordWrite ups/Bible Study


thevictorial | December 30, 2021

MATHEW 20:1-12

The above scripture is about the story of a man who hired workers in his vineyard.

Jesus told us this story to illustrate the kingdom or heaven.

Our focus today will be on verses 6&9.
Matthew 20:6, 9
6.And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle?

9.And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.

The last set have been idle for long. It was as though,they have been forgotten. They have been hoping for a job whole others are busy productive.

In fact, knowing that one penny will be paid to those who started work early that day made them feel they cant earn one penny that day again, since no one hired them and the night is already falling.

But as time goes on and its almost eleventh hour. They had concluded that the day have been wasted,and their waiting was also wasted.

Most of us till now have waited and waited since January till now and no show yet.

Just like Peter, the fishing season is over,and because the year is almost ended you are beginning to wash your net to go home.

You are already rounding off for the year with the conclusion that your waiting is a waste. The year is ended and nothing to show for it.

But i have come to tell you this good news. That “God isn’t through with you yet. Because we serve a God of last minute miracle.

At his word that morning after Peter had finish washing his net,he came through for him. He gave him a net tearing miracle.

He will not only answer your heart desires to make you testify. But he will also compensate you in such a way that those who have gone ahead of you will be jealous of you,just the way the early workers became jealous.
God is never too late o too early.

If your case seem delayed than your colleagues its because he is coming bigger. When he comes bigger, jealousy from others is inevitable. He is the God of eleventh hour miracle, when he does that and shows up, he comes bigger.

#Victoria AkinAjayi

Written by thevictorial


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