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Gratitude 7

thevictorial | January 9, 2022

TEXT: Genesis 32:10
I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.

Humility and Remembrance are important keys to thanksgiving.

Ungratefulness is a sign of pride.

From this passage we discover that Jacob was humble enough to tell God how unworthy his life has been to have obtained such great mercy from the lord.

He was able to do this because he remembered how he crossed over that same Jordan with a staff, but now, God’s mercy has multiplied him

It is in the nature of man to forget. So most times,God instruct us in His word to always remember.

Sometimes he gives instructions on setting 12 stones as a sign of remembrance to the people and also to tell their unborn generation.

Patriarchs of old tend to raise altar so as to remember their experience with God at different times.

Remembrance is an important factor for us as children of God to be able to give thanks to God consistently.

But unfortunately, human beings tends to remember bad events than the good ones.

As Christians, to develop a grateful attitude we must ask the Holy spirit to help us reflect and think deep on the dealings of God for our lives.

Meditation is key to remembrance. Take time out, meditate on the faithfulness of God in His word and your life also.

Jacob saw Gods mercy at work in his life.

While Jacob was crossing over Jordan the first time he was a fugitive but now a fruitful fulfilled man.

While crossing from 2020 to 2021, there was a who you were. While crossing from 2021 to 2022, there is a who God has made you to be. The fact that financially things are not going the way you expect, does not mean, God isn’t faithful.

If only you can remember that there is a whole lot of difference about you between 2020 and 2022.

If only you can remember His mercy and truth over your life and family, if only you can meditate and remember…
You will know that God is faithful.

The hymn writer says, “Count you blessings and name them one by one and you will be surprised at what the Lord has done.”

Victoria AkinAjayi

Written by thevictorial


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