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thevictorial | January 9, 2022

Psalms 8:2

Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger.

While growing up, I wasn’t the talking type.
I was very quiet,though thousands of things run through my mind.

Gave my life to Christ along the line. As I grew up in faith, I still find it more comfortable keeping quiet, until one day the Lord opened my eyes to the above scripture.

“Out of the mouth of babes and suckling has he ordained strength”

If there is an ordination of strength by God to babes and sucklings in this kingdom, then no one is permitted to keep quiet especially when the enemies and avengers are ranting.

Most believers are as gentle as a dove even in battle field.

The bible says the weakest among them, shall be as David. This further explain our anchor scripture.

David could not just keep quiet at the presence of Goliath. Though small but mighty.

Remember that Goliath opened his mouth to curse David by his gods.
David also confronted him in the name of the Lord.

Notice that, as he moved closer to Goliath, his mouth was still active.

This is an indication that God has ordained our mouth with his strength.

This end time is a game of mouth. How much of your mouth can you use?

When you Decree, you use your mouth.

God could have made the world through His thought and imagination but he spoke his word. He could have written out his plan for creating the earth but ‘HE SAID Those words.. LET THERE BE.. AND THERE WAS.’ He spoke and His voice was heard.

When we speak our voices are heard.

If ye are gods and the voice of the Lord is powerful and majestic, what do you think your voice is?

The only thing John the Baptist lived for, in his days was ‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness.’

Lets leave the world of sitting down to wish things happen and move to making Decrees and SORO SOKE!

Only God knows how many Goliath had taken over the territory of the children of God because there was no one to ‘SORO SOKE’ in prayers and confront them.

This year is a peculiar one.
Learn to SORO SOKE! Decrees are meant to be made. Make them!

Victoria AkinAjayi

Written by thevictorial


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